So you’ve sold your old home, packed up your belongings and now you’ve got the keys to your new property. Your efforts have paid off, and you are now a new homeowner. While moving into a new house is a thrilling experience, it doesn’t come without it’s risks. You could become a target for thieves, who have noticed you’re just moving in. You may also encounter household issues such as faulty plumbing or not knowing how to turn off an alarm. To avoid these potential problems from occurring, you need to carry out the following tasks.


Check your windows and doors

One of the first things you need to do is to make sure every door and window is secure. Burglars will use these as access points into your home. If they are rotten, broken or old, it can be easy for them to be tampered with. Worn doors and windows are often found in older homes. But it’s still just as important to check newer ones too. If you discover that one of your door or a window is insecure, organize getting it replaced as soon as possible. Visit specialist sites such as window contractors to get them measured and fitted professionally. In the meantime, consider using quick fixes such as wooden boards to temporarily add more security and protection


Deep Clean  

Before you start moving in your furniture and belongings, give your new property a deep clean. This will make your house look it’s best, while also making it more hygienic. More importantly, it gives you a chance to spot potential household issues. You might discover loose floorboards when mopping the floors. Or you may encounter leaking pipework when cleaning your bathroom. This is why completing a deep clean is so important when you first move in. Instead of leaving these issues to develop you can get them rectified immediately.

If you have a large home, ask family and friends to assist you in this deep cleaning task. Alternatively, you could hire a cleaning service to do this for you.


Find important valves and switches

If your new home starts to fill with water or has an electrical malfunction, would you know what to do? Most new homeowners won’t because many forget to find the water valve and circuit switches. Flooding and power cuts can occur at any time, and if you don’t know how to deal with them, it can leave your home vulnerable. So discover where they are immediately. You should also do a walkthrough of every room in your property, including any outhouses and garages you may have. Establish which switch on your breaker box controls which room, and label them for future reference. Visit a site like this for further guidance on finding valves and circuit breakers.


Once these tasks are complete, you can then begin settling into your new home. You will understandably be eager to get unpacked straight away. But don’t do this until you’ve completed these tasks. By doing them immediately, you can save yourself stress, time and money later on. So get started and enlist friends and professionals to help you.