Whether you have just moved into your property or have lived there awhile, a lick of paint can transform your home. It can make it feel fresh and exciting when you choose a new color. However, a lot of people get stuck when selecting the color for their living area. After all, they want something that won’t clash with all their furnishings. But they also want a color that will help their room stand out from the crowd. Here is some simple advice for choosing the best paint color for your living area.


Think of a theme you love first

Before you get the paintbrushes out of the cupboard, you need to think of the theme or look you want to project for the room. For example, if you want a calming ocean inspired room, you might want to go for lighter colors such as blues or lavender for your living room. As this article explains, they are great colors for a feeling of tranquility and restfulness in a room. If you want a modern look, you ought to go for white and then fill the room with black accessories. One benefit of this is the neutral color will allow you to be flexible when changing the feel of the room once you are bored with the current arrangement! Once you have a better idea of what look you want to create in the living room, you will easily be able to find colors.


Consider your staple pieces

You need also to look at the staple pieces you have in the living area before you shop for some paint. After all, if you have spent a small fortune on a beautiful sofa, you don’t want to pick a color which clashes with this furnishing. Therefore, write a list of your main staple pieces and the colors that could potentially work alongside it. Also, if your staple pieces are full of color and pattern, you might want to go for a neutral paint color. That way, you won’t give people eye ache when they enter your living area.


Think about color pairings

When you are picking out the best color for your living area, you don’t need just to stick to one color. You can make a color wheel and look at different pairs of colors that will work great together. As we discussed previously, you might want to go for blue and white which together create a light and airy, elegant look. Or black and white would make a great pair for a modern looking living area. Additionally, choosing two colors next to each other on the color wheel will often give your room a vibrant contrast. If you need more help on choosing colors for your room, you can speak with interior house painters. They will guide you into making the right decision before completing the job. They will bring you samples so that you can experiment with different colors before making a decision.


Remember that going for different finishes on the wall and trim can alter a room’s look. As this article says, you could use an eggshell matte finish on the walls and then use a satin on the trim.